Friday, March 09, 2007

A Prophecy...

This is just too funny to keep to myself... One of Joel Cole's friends has emailed around one of his 'prophecies' or 'visions of the future' relating to the Brompton Oratory. This, I believe, was something he initially published on Facebook (something I have yet to flirt with).

What are the chances of this prophecy coming to pass? Probably quite likely, should the fabled Motu Proprio ever materialise to give extra incentive... We at the Oratory in Birmingham, on the other hand, do not even have the word 'Tridentine' written on our church board once (despite having a secret little Old Mass in the 'upper room')!

As the ultra-trad apologist pointed out in his commentary to this prophecy, "Still a bit liberal (evening mass)"!


  1. You could have at least got the name of the our Oratory correct Matt!!!

  2. *giggles*
    Actually I experienced the Novus Ordo all in Latin at Pluscarden and was most impressed. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it! ;-)
