Monday, March 19, 2007


I have decided that due to recent controversy and faults on my part, I will take an official retreat from Blogging till Easter (save for the continuation of Via Crucis on Fridays). This will give me an opportunity to concentrate on things unreservedly. After Easter I will decide whether I will continue blogging in the same way. I ask for your prayers during this Lenten time, and wish you all the best for a blessed paschaltide.

St. Joseph, protect our home. Pour forth from heaven blessings on our family. Remain in our midst. Help us to live in love and harmony, in peace and joy. May the wholesome fear of God strengthen us that virtue may adorn what we do and our way may lead to heaven.

To you this day I give the key to our dwelling place. Lock out all things that could do us harm. Lock my home and my loved ones with me in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. This I beg of you, that our days may be like your days in the holy home at Nazareth. Amen.


  1. Two things, Matt. a) You should put your medical studies first. b) Don't give up blogging, but don't let it rule your life. God bless you and happy Easter to you all.

  2. Don't give up blogging, Matt, but don't let it rule your life. Your blogs too good to miss. Good luck with your studies and happy Easter. Tim

  3. You probably won't be pleased to here from me again, Matt, but I have been praying to Cardinal Newman that you will persuade Joee to remove that posting from his blog, and he has, and so have you. I am so grateful. But please don't give up blogging, so many enjoy yours. I shall pray that you will succeed triumphantly in your medical studies, for Wendy and little Maddie. She is fortunate to have you both as her parents. Please pray for me. This is not meant for posting but it's the only way I can contact you. I shall pray the entire rosary for you all.

  4. Matt,

    Listen, I'm not one for beating around the bush, being an American of Punjabi extraction, so I'm going to call it like I see it.

    I will be the first to admit that you and I are poles apart on the Catholic spectrum - I'm a Tablet reader, though I attend mass at the Oxford Oratory. I don't agree with everything you say by a long shot. I read your blog to understand a Catholic faith, a story, that is very different from mine. [Ok, I confess, now it's for pictures of Maddy as well]

    I really enjoy your blog - it is one of the rare honest, human traditional blogs that doesn't have a self-righteous nastiness towards those who don't agree with every word of the bloggers, nor does it sound like you're on an overdose of Prozac. It just sounds like you, struggling the way the rest of us are.

    And you know what? You're human - you're going to make mistakes. We ALL do, *and that's ok*. You made a mistake, you apologised, *it's done*. You've learned from it, now just go forward in love, and don't let a few people cripple you. In no way, shape or form did you deserve some of those absolutely horrid, self-righteous posts where people are - in most cases, that was about them feeling holier-than-thou rather than true offence. They should look to their own spiritual sins and the planks in their own eyes.

    Don't stop blogging because a few people wouldn't know true charity if it came up and slapped them in the face, even if they know every dotted i and crossed t of every Catholic rule in the book. You're too good at sharing the faith.

    God bless,

  5. By all means, please continue to write when you are inspired to do so.

    I know of a friend who hasn't been to Holy Mass in years but is a faithful reader of your blog. Recently, he attended Mass and went to confession. Your blog played a part in this "reversion".

    You have a gift that is honest and intelligent. Use it for evangelization.

  6. "In no way, shape or form did you deserve some of those absolutely horrid, self-righteous posts where people are"

    Darn. I had edited that sentence, and clearly didn't delete everything I meant to! D'oh!

    That should just have read:

    "In no way, shape or form did you deserve some of those absolutely horrid, self-righteous posts - in most cases,"

    Mea maxima culpa. Now I probably ought to do some work...


  7. Matt,

    Clearly I have missed something (darn it) but wanted to say, don't stop blogging just because you regret something you've written (you may have other reasons too, but we've all made mistakes I fear; I know I have!). On the contrary, as has already been said, your blog is too much enjoyed and, in fact, fruitful, for that.


  8. Don't give up blogging Matt. Learn from your mistakes and just move on. It's an important apostolate... as well as an entertaining read!!

  9. I endorse the previous comments and have prayed for all your intentions during the "40 Hours" at the London Oratory this week.

  10. I don't know what has happened recently. Just wanted to say that I enjoy your blogs and would really miss you and Maddy , of course!

  11. Carry on Matt, I enjoy the blog and I want to hear how a young dad feels about his wonderful daughter and generally I find your insights useful.

  12. Enjoy some time off with your lovely wife and daughter, Matt :)

  13. I like your blog, hope that u would be back soon enough... at the mean time, enjoy ur time off... especially with ur family...

  14. Oh dear! Obviously giving up surfing blogs for Lent has been me behind the latest news!

    Sorry to hear you won't be around much. I will miss your posts!

    God Bless you all!

    by the way -- one day we should meet up! I would love to meet you, Wendy & Maddy!

    God Bless

  15. Matt, I have no idea what is being referred to but I doubt it matters too much in the scheme of things. Its only blogging! Having said that, do continue when you have time.

  16. Matt,

    You have been a great source of encouragment to me. I appreciate your efforts and have come to admire and respect you... yours has been an amazing journey. And I have really appreciated your willingness to let your 'extended family' share in the life of your own family. Your family and your studies have to be the top priorities in your life. But I hope that after prayeful reflection you will decide to continue blogging. You truly enrich the lives of many of us!
