Low Mass 1pm
St John Fisher
West Heath

I CAN CONFIRM A MASS AT THE ORATORY @ 11am ! ! Also at back of Church for tickets to the Papal beatification (which Valero says, is "just a Mass and a 1min proclamation that he's going to heaven"!)
Also at the West Heath Catholic Parish on July 9th, their patronal feast will be high Mass celebrated with a new 3 piece red Mass Set, and 3 parish priests all serving the same deanery (Birmingham South) which includes the site of Newman's burial and site of Papal Mass on Sept 19th at 10am in Cofton Park. I hope we get a ticket.

7pm High Mass
1962 Missal
Fr G Grynowski (middle of above photo) celebrates in his parish Church of St John Fisher for it's Patrons;
Cloister Chapel Singers
Missa de Angelis
Credo III
Plainchant propers for Ss John Fisher & Thomas More
Please do support this wonderful parish event. It will be followed by a blessing of a new garden at the Parish, in the traditional Rite, followed by tea wine and refreshments cakes etc.
We are a witness to the Traditional Movement just in attendance, and with the 3 year report of Summorum Pontificum and the Pope's visit coinciding with the anniversary on the 14th. Maybe His Holiness should celebrate a Mass in EF to celebrate!
P.s. Clarification from the Oratory: "Jack Valero is strictly correct about the beatification Mass although
I think the declaration of beatification is timed for about 70 seconds! Strictly speaking, beatification is nothing more than a permission for local or limited cult. It does not, unlike canonisation, make any theological claim that the beatus is, in fact, in heaven. It is not (again, unlike canonisation) an infallible act of the Church. Having JHN beatified does mean a great deal to us, of course! This distinction might seem insignificant, but it is important. For example, it makes it possible to accept the second miracle for canonisation, even though it happened before the beatification. JHN either is in heaven or he isn't, there is no question of more or less! The important thing is that the second miracle took place as a result of the public cult, and that it took place after the Pope's declaration of an intention to beatify. All we have to do is get a dispensation for that public cult because it took place before it had been formally and publicly announced i.e. at a beatification ceremony."