Thursday, March 15, 2007

Caption Competition

I thought I would have a go at my own caption competition. I have a few good ideas, and they all revolve around my daughter (it seems I'm milking her for maximum entertainment, doesn't it?)!

So here goes:
I look forward to seeing some of your suggestions for this odd scenario.


  1. There are few enough of us pipe smokers left anyway: give us a break!

    Caption to Maddy's picture:

    "Daddy: is this what happens when you say something naughty?"

  2. Maddy, "I don't want to go to a 'bear' novus ordo mass!!! Take me back to the cloister chapel at once!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

  3. Stop monkeying around! You promised me that Kimba - I mean Simba - was going to say the rosary with me today! What, so now you're telling me that the lion sleeps tonight? Daniel should have been so lucky...

  4. "Daddy, that five-o'clock-shadow is really beyond a joke. No kisses until you shave!"

  5. Not another pet...Luke will not be very happy!
