With encouragement, I have written
my first post for the Catholic Dads blog. Like always, I got a bit carried away when I should really be catching up with my sleep! And of course I feel hopelessly unqualified writing about Fatherhood when everyone keeps remarking that I only look 15 years old myself... I guess that's what blogs are all about; average people appearing to know more than they do?!
Anyway, I encourage you to
read / join / contribute to [delete as applicable] this ambitious blog community of
Catholic Dads! God bless and I hope to also write more for the increasingly obsolete blog of
Lacrimarum Valle soon... Probably in July I'm afraid.

On a topical note, I did not manage to get down to London for the Pontifical High Mass, but have really enjoyed reading all about it. Today, however, on the way back from holiday in the Gower, we popped into the Swansea Cathedral of St Joseph for a Gregorian/ Extraordinary/ Classical/ Traditional/ Tridentine
[what on earth are we supposed to call it!!] Low Mass, which was uplifting as always, of course. Theirs has been going on for about 15 years now, and takes place monthly in a lovely Pugin (junior) church with unfortunate sanctuary rearrangement.
It is midsummer now, so now the days will begin to shorten and we will eventually come to Christmas when the Light of Christ is born into our lives amongst the darkest days of the year. But for the moment, things are quite bright!