The Oratory, Hagley Road (A456) accessible via Monument Rd / Plough & Harrow Rd
Birmingham B16 8UE
Birmingham B16 8UE

Ride on, ride on in majesty!
In lowly pomp ride on to die;
O Christ, Thy triumphs now begin
O'er captive death and conquered sin.
(Henry Hart Milman)
Low Masses: 8.30am, 12 noon (families), 12.45pm (Tridentine, cloister chapel), 5.30pm (sung congregational)
Blessing and Procession of Palms: 10am in the former College Sports Hall
Procession to the Church for High Mass: 10.30am
Including the singing of the Passion of Our Lord according to Luke
Vespers and Benediction: 7.30pm
Holy Mass: 7.30am, 12.45pm & 5.45pm
Rosary: 7.45pm
Stations of the Cross: 8pm

Where is love and loving-kindness, God is fain to dwell.
Therefore, when we meet, the flock of Christ, so loving,
Take we heed lest bitterness be there engendered;
All our spiteful thoughts and quarrels be surrendered,
Seeing Christ is there, divine among us moving.
(ancient hymn for the "Maundy"
translated by Mgr. Ronald Knox)
translated by Mgr. Ronald Knox)
Solemn Mass of the Last Supper: 7pm
including the Maundy, the Procession to the Altar of Repose, and the stripping of the Altars.
Compline at 8.45pm at the Altar of Repose (Chapel of St. Philip Neri)
Watching before the Blessed Sacrament until midnight.

(Day of Fasting & Abstinence. n.b. Mass is not celebrated on this day)
In Thy most bitter Passion
my heart to share doth cry.
With Thee for my salvation
upon the cross to die.
Ah! Keep my heart thus movéd
to stand Thy cross beneath,
To mourn Thee, well-belovéd,
yet thank Thee for Thy death
(14th C, Salve caput cruentatum
translated by Robert Bridges)
translated by Robert Bridges)
Tenebrae (office of readings and morning prayer): 8.30am
(N.B. Abortion walk of witness to follow)
Children's Stations of the Cross: 11.30am
Solemn Liturgy: 3pm
Including the singing of St. John's Passion; the solemn intercessions; the Unveiling and Worship of the Cross; Holy Communion
Seven Last Words: 7pm
Preacher: Fr. Dermot Fenlon
Music: Motets and Organ music for the Passion of Our Lord
followed by Stations of the Cross

n.b. Mass is not celebrated today
His Cross stands empty in a world grown silent
Through hours of anguish and of dread;
In stillness, earth awaits the resurrection,
While Christ goes down to wake the dead
He summons Adam and his generations,
Brings light where darkness endless seemed;
He frees and claims His own, so long held captive,
Who, with the living, are redeemed
(Standbrook Abbey)
Tenebrae: 8.30am
Confessions will be heard from 10am throughout the day.
The Church waits in silence for the proclamation of the Resurrection at the Easter Vigil.
Easter Vigil: 9.00pm
(saturday evening 7th April)
Service of light
(Blessing of the New Fire)
Proclamation of Easter ("Exsultet")
Liturgy of the Word;
Blessing of the Font and Confirmation
First Mass of Easter
EASTER DAY - 8th April
Hail victor Christ! Hail, risen king
To Thee alone belongs the crown,
who hast the heavenly gates unbarred,
And cast the Prince of darkness down
(from the 7th C hymn "Ad regias Agni dapes"
translated by Fr Edward Caswell Cong Orat)
translated by Fr Edward Caswell Cong Orat)
Low Masses: 8.30am, 12 noon (families), 12.45pm (Tridentine, Cloister Chapel), 5.30pm (congregational)
Solemn High Mass: 10.30am
Solemn Vespers & Benediction: 7.30pm
The Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory wish you a very Holy and Joyful Easter!