Thursday, March 08, 2007


I was going to blog tonight properly, but alas I was snowed under with work and even took the opportunity to help fellow Medic Joee Blogs with a medicine essay on Hyponatraemia. Its all quite dull and boring, but very important for medics. So I've spent the last 2 hours doing that via an emailed copy and Word's excellent comments/markup! Still, at least it was also useful for me (I am very rusty on clinical chemistry). Here is an extract of said essay just to get your juices flowing!

In response to a decreased plasma volume, the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney secrete Renin. Renin converts angiotensinogen which is secreted by the liver, to angiotensin I. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme then acts on angiotensin I to form angiotensin II, which in turn stimulates aldosterone synthesis [MD1]. Aldosterone acts mainly in the kidney [MD2]. In the renal tubule the membrane receptor Na+/K+-ATPase and Na+ channels work together to increase volume and pressure, and decrease K+. Aldosterone increases the number and activity of these transporters thus increasing the reabsorption of sodium and secretion of potassium. Water is reabsorbed with the sodium thus reversing the hypovolaemia.

[MD1] You've just said this above! Combine the two paragraphs me thinks...
[MD2] Actually I think it works mainly via vasoconstriction... you may need to check this

Oh look, its copied my comments too! Oh well, it makes for fun reading.

I think I may be going delirious through workload and lack of sleep... One more day of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and I'm onto Paediatrics. Its been a rollercoaster with lots of practice contrary to the Catholic Faith... but you probably won't ever hear me rant about that (I'm just praying about it and having masses offered).

I'm going to bed now. Good night blogosphere.


  1. Ah - all those 1st year lectures coming back to me!

  2. Maddy seems more interested than you sound!

  3. Cool collaboration--not that I understand a word of what you say!

  4. My (med student ) daughter is similarly shattered! Will see her for the day tomorrow which is nice. i thought it was just bi-polars who got delirious..but it seems trainee doctors do too!

    The Obstetrics stuff sounds scary..probably best if you don't share it with us!

    God bless

  5. It all sounds too much like a claim to objective truth. Will this pass muster in modern Britain?

    Shouldn't it read something like "My personal view is that Angiotensin Converting Enzyme then acts on angiotensin I to form angiotensin II - but I do not feel that I should impose this belief on my patients."
