Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nurse's Prayer

I saw this prayer on the noticeboard in the nurse's station on a pre-labour ward, and couldn't resist sharing this touching moment with you:

O my God, teach me to receive the sick in Thy Name.
Give to my efforts success for the glory of Thy Holy Name.
It is Thy work; without Thee I cannot succeed.
Grant that the sick Thou hast placed in my care
may be abundantly blessed,
and not one of them be lost
because of any neglect on my part.

Help me to overcome every temporal weakness,
and strengthen in me whatever may enable me to bring joy
to the lives of those I serve.
Give me grace, for the sake of Thy sick ones,
and of those lives that will be influenced by them.

There are touching moments like this in many working days, and we must always be grateful for them.

It has been a pleasure to be able to attend a Mass at this Hospital every Monday lunchtime. Wendy has even managed to come and meet me with Maddy for this! What I don't understand is why the priest never wears a chasuble??


  1. The priest probably doesn't wear a 'chausable' because such an item does not exist. Perhaps he doesn't wear a 'chasuble' either!

  2. Anonymous,

    We can all spell, it's just some people are more busy than others!

  3. He may have lost his copy of the GIRM.

  4. I can't imagine why.

    The reason our priests give here in Malaysia is that it's too hot. The temperature does hit 32 decrees C so perhaps, should one only consider the comfort aspect, the argument has merit. Don't think that it's that hot in England.

    Anyway, the prevailing attitude is that in Masses where there are lots of people present, then the chasuble should be worn, but in Masses with smaller attendance, then the people wouldn't mind. There are so little of them anyway.

    This attitude conceives the chasuble as some kind of costume used in the 'performance' and put on for the benefit of the spectators. When the priest faces the people, then such a mentality is natural.

    But what the priest should remember is that the Mass is offered to an audience of One and He is present regardless of whether the Mass if offered before thousands or ten.

  5. Yet again, Andrew says it how it is. I agree with you Andrew old chap!
