Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Stained Glass Window

Further to my recent post of Harvington Hall, I thought I would put up this picture of the modern memorial stained glass window which is a beautiful feature in the porch.

Someone commented that they particularly liked it, and perhaps as a little game we could see if anyone can name who the figures are. I believe they're all of local significance! I didn't take note myself, but there is a plaque next to it making it very clear, and next month I will make sure I can provide the answers!

After that wonderful requiem mass on Sunday, it was also a particularly moving scene to have tremendous sunset throughout the drive back to Birmingham. I couldn't resist sharing the picture with you:

Please pray for me: I am struggling with work, in fact struggling even getting out of bed, after a week of insomnia and interrupted sleep. And with a baby soon to come?! How will I cope?! I am seeing the doctor today, so there will be the option of sedation at least...


  1. Don't worry Matthew - I've sent you a mantilla to wear, when you're down!

  2. Matthew - sleep hygiene before you try sedatives: an open window in the room, read before bed, bed before midnight, no caffeine too late, exercise through the day. try to avoid sedatives if you can...Will pray for you
