Having met the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI this week in Rome, I can’t help but have a go at putting one of the photos on the bulletin. You might notice that the Pope looks a bit taller than I do. That’s because he’s cheating and standing on a step. But heh. He’s the Pope. So he can get away with it. He also gets away with wearing bright red shoes (I want some!)
I make no apologies. I’m a great supporter of the Pope. Not because of anything particular he says or does. Just because he is our Holy Father. One of my greatest regrets in life is that I never met his great predecessor, Pope John Paul II. Think of the immense task the Pope has, and pray for him each day. While most other 79 year olds are retired and putting their feet up, he has the cares and worries of the whole Church on his shoulders. And yet he is given strength by God to be an inspiration and a light to people throughout the world.
When you meet the Pope you get about 10 seconds with him. So you have to say what you want to say. I told him the students of Birmingham University send him their best wishes. He told me to send you his blessings and greetings. You can’t get much better than that in 10 seconds.

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