Today is the important feast of All Souls, intimately linked to yesterday's All Saints. I have not been to mass to observe this feast, but said today's Vespers.
What occurs to me today is the often criticised uncertainty we Catholics have about the eternal fate of each of our souls. The few people I have known died, mainly within my family, have certainly not died in the strict criteria of "in a state of Grace". This is not something which continually troubles me; it is important to be humbled by the thought that none of us are assured of eternal salvation, but must commit our lives into God's merciful goodness. This is why we approach the Sacraments as often as we can, to immerse ourselves in Christ's saving action which opens heaven up to us, redeeming humanity and sanctifying it.
There are several people I have prayed for today, but would like to share particularly my older brother Damian. He died in 1997 at the age of 20, and suffered a lot as he battled to live with a congenital heart disease. Here is a picture of him with my younger brother, not long before he died. He was a real inspiration for those who knew him because of his humility and determination, as well as strong personality, sense of humour, and intelligence. He died whilst studying at St. Benet's Hall in Oxford, but alas didn't share the faith with the monks living there. It is hard for me to know just where Damian stood with God when he died, but I am certain that his soul is worth praying for.
R.I.P. Damian Coghlan
1st February 1997 - 16th October 1997
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy departed servants and handmaids the remission of all their sins, that through our devout prayers they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired. (Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.)
Réquiem aetérnam dona eis, Dómine.
Et lux perpétua lúceat eis.
Requiéscant in pace.
Welcome to the Blogosphere... (I've only just found you!) Congratulations on your expected new arrival... my sister's expecting her first in early January.