Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Maddy loves animals!

As well as our household pets, it is evident that Maddy just loves animals! This bank holiday weekend was a chance to explore this passion of hers. We also had my 14-year old brother to stay, so you might say she has become accustomed to the most untameable animal of all: the teenager! But Maddy, with her gentle charm and inquisitive nature, is enough to settle even the most wild of beasts!

On Saturday we were inspired to visit a quiet little tourist attraction in Staffordshire: Monkey Forest. Now we are actually veterans of Monkey World, in Dorset; that incredible sanctuary of abused and neglected apes from all around the world. But Monkey Forest had something extra special to offer, especially for die-hard monkey fanatics such as ourselves: The ability to walk around a huge 60-acre monkey enclosure, with Barbary Macaques freely roaming before our eyes! They dart across the paths just inches from us, and swing from trees above our heads. It is just riveting to be able to see them so closely, and observe their monkey business without being behind glass or cages.

Sunday was a day of rest, but the bank holiday Monday had something very special in store! I was busy on-call in the hospital for the whole day, but was delighted to be able to peruse these photos of Maddy at the Greenbelt Christian Arts festival, doing what best comes to mind for such an occasion: a petting zoo! With the kids firmly in mind, there were all sorts of friendly animals on view. What they all seem to have in common is their ability to make Maddy absolutely chuckle with joy!

Animals were created by God for the benefit of us all. Because they have no free will, they glorify God simply by their very existence. It is clear to me that if they can make such an innocent little girl as happy as this, they are serving God's purpose perfectly. Animals should be cared for in such a way that we give thanks to God for their beauty and uniqueness. This can include using them for our nutritious benefit, which does not detract from our love for them. It was touching to hear from some of the farmers in Surrey, that they really were hurt to have to hand over their animals for incineration in the recent foot-and-mouth outbreak, as they regard them as part of their own household, and look after them with pride and dignity.

I can relate to this, as my own family have run a farm in the South African highlands for 2 generations; I recall one event when visiting at the age of 5; a huge rain-storm meant the new lambs were struggling to survive the elements. Many died, but several were also rescued by the farmers in the thick of it, and kept in the warmth of our cottage where we slept.

I don't want a debate about vegetarianism (which I abhor in its extremest form, but can also sympathise with) so will leave it there! May God bless our animals in the UK, especially our livestock, and keep them free from disease and illness. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Great picture of uncle & baby. Must invite him to meet some of my teenagers..the one in front of you on Sunday is at 16 a tad too old but i've plenty more! lol

    i share your views on animals..& i must take a look at the place you visited..i don't think we've been..the smaller ones would love it.

    i just love Maddy & her hats! so cute..
