What a delight to get home from work today and find a postcard from that loveable rogue, Joee Blogs, sent specially from Quarr Abbey. I am sure that many surfers of the blogosphere will be eager to know how young Master Blogs is getting on with his monastic retreat. Well, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me publishing it in its entirety (minus the address), as long as I reiterate the delightful personal gratitude we have towards him for this thoughtful gesture. He is a very good friend, and my loyalties certainly lie with him as fellow young Catholic, blogger, and medical man.
Dear all,It must have been around this time that young Joee rang me to keep me posted with his progress, including the shocking revelation that he has had his head shaved! No, he's not a neo-Nazi, he's pretending to be a monk! He called it a 'tonsure' (whatever one of those are)! Although no halo, apparently. All very strange. I just hope he reemerges from this place of prayer to finish his medical degree. We need more good Catholic stock in the hospitals.
Arrived here in the end - took a whopping 5 hrs travelling though. The sea was very choppy + felt a bit icky dicky on the way over!!!
I'm enjoying 3 days in the guest house 'decontamination' before moving to the novitiate. Enjoying it here already - but I'm sure it will get harder when I have to get up at 5am!
Hi to Colemanus Max.! Hope blogs are OK in my absence (←withdrawal symptoms!)
Love and prayers: Joee
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