Thursday, August 16, 2007

Food, Glorious Food!

Madeleine has begun eating solids! Some people call this 'weaning' but this implies she will be 'weaned away' from something; and there's no way she will let up on breastfeeding!

Anyway, Wendy is really enjoying making her different concoctions of soft vegetables and fruit... but Maddy's favourite seems to have come out this evening as bread sticks and rice cakes! With 2 lower incisors burst forth, nothing will stop her now!

No crawling as yet, but lots of rolling, rotating, gyrating, and sitting (almost unsupported)! Suffice to say it breaks my heart to leave her every morning! But I am secure in the knowledge and security, throughout my working day, that she is being looked after by the very best of mums (and I'm allowed to say that because she's my wife! I wouldn't have married her if I didn't think she was the best!!)

Also notice that little Maddy has had a trim of her hair! The beautiful golden curls (left) have given way to a classic fringe (right, with Colemanus). Wow, she looks cute, even if I do say so myself!

But seriously, parenting is proving to be lots of fun for us both. Its a very special time, I imagine, with a first child; rather than so frantically trying to keep head above water, as with several children hanging off us, we have the blissful euphoria of caring and nurturing a very special life. Maddy seems quite happy most of the time, even at High Latin Masses, where she has recourse to a side chapel / confessional for a feed if she at all gets bored!! Of course, I'm sure this idealic scene of parenthood will change as the years go by, and the head count adds up... but I pray we can appreciate every single stage!

I am conscious that the prevailing attitudes in our society can be quite anti-Catholic and anti-family. So many times I hear people talking negatively about marriage, children, and large families. Gone are the days when these things are seen as the true blessing which they undoubtedly are. More and more I feel an affinity with foreign cultures which make up Birmingham's multi-ethnic picture; they seem to have a better and more traditional concept of family, which includes a true celebration of young life, and a tender caring for those who are old and infirm. If Britain were to truly value multi-culturalism, she would learn the great mistakes we are making in our own families, which evidently lead to wayward and disruptive young adults who have no respect for authority. The battle lines are firmly drawn, and it is little ones like Maddy who have the power to show the world the beauty of life.


  1. Loved Maddy's hair-cut! Yes there is always something special about one's first child. It's not a favoritism just a special grace. Andrew & i were delighted having 4 of our daughters at the beautiful Mass of the Assumption. a 12,13,14, & 18 year old. They were a bit fidgety probably more so than Maddy behind. Hey do you think i should send them into St Philip's hapel too!

  2. She looks and sound gorgeous! You are so blessed and you must be so proud! Maddy is a fortunate little girl to have such wonderful parents.

    BTW, the thought of a confessional as a 'Mother and Toddler Facility' (a title I saw in Sainsbury's the other day) sounds great fun, especially if it is one of those baroque numbers in the oratory!

  3. Hey Philip you just reminded me! At my daughter Katy's Baptism (just turned 18)we were in a different Church to the Oratory, & she needed feeding, so i hopped into the confessional to breast feed..i must add there was no Priest. But she fed so much that on the sanctuary shw was sick! Memories...

  4. A mother used to breast feed at Mass very modestly. She had a large shawl which she put across her sholders and would pop the baby under the shawl.

    Maddy is truely georgous, I am loving to watch her grow up via the internet.

  5. You have a very cute daughter! Haha! Praise God! Funny, she looks very serious on most of the pictures but that makes her even cuter - it makes her look like a little phylosopher. Have you decided on her future carrier yet? Perhaps she is giving you clues already! :-D
