Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Investiture of Birmingham Oratory Parishioner

There was recently a very special event at the Birmingham Oratory. Unfortunately I was unable to cover it, but here is the treatment from the Diocesan website:

Mrs Monica Hynes, pictured after her Investiture as a Dame of the Order of St Gregory the Great, with Fr Paul Chavasse, Provost of the Birmingham Oratory, husband Maurice Hynes and Bishop Philip Pargeter. Picture by Peter Jennings.
Mrs Monica Hynes, a long time parishioner of the Birmingham Oratory, was invested as a Dame of the Order of St Gregory the Great, by Bishop Philip Pargeter, an auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, during a special Mass on Friday evening, 27 April, writes Peter Jennings.

Mrs Hynes is best known for her many years of devoted service to the Father Hudson’s Society, the social care agency working within the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham.

Kevin Caffrey, Director of the Father Hudson’s Society, read the first reading at the Mass held at the Oratory church, attended by Monica Hynes’ family, friends and supporters who came from far and wide.

Bishop Pargeter, the principal concelebrant and preacher, addressed the congregation after the homily: “The Pontifical Order of St Gregory the Great was founded in 1831 by Pope Gregory XVI.

“It is conferred as a reward for services to the Holy See and the Church on gentlemen and ladies of proved loyalty who must maintain unswerving fidelity to God, the Supreme Pontiff, the Holy See and the Church.”

Bishop Pargeter continued: “Becoming a Knight or Dame does not merely mean receiving a title of honour – even though it is well deserved – but fighting evil, promoting good and defending the weak and oppressed against injustice.”

Fr Paul Chavasse, Provost of the Birmingham Oratory said: “I am particularly pleased to congratulate Monica Hynes on her investiture as a Dame of St Gregory.

“Papal awards like this are not given lightly and hers is a well-deserved recognition of all the good work she has done for the Church in Birmingham over the years. It is a great honour for her, and for our parish as we celebrate such a significant event.”

Mr and Mrs Hynes hosted a buffet reception afterwards in the Upper Cloister Hall for more than 150 guests.


  1. Cool threads! It must be a great privilege for you all to enjoy such beautiful vestments so frequently.

    And heartiest congrats to the Dame!

  2. Monica is the most generous, humble, hard-working, amazing woman i know.

    Congratulations to her & her wonderful family & Maurice too. Maurice has a wicked sense of humour..quite like their daughter Cathy who teaches in The Oratory School. Their younger daughter Therese has 4 children under 5 i think, & their other daughters & son are all high-flyers, & lovely too.

  3. Dear Dame Hynes,
    How regal you looked in yur Regalia. I live in the US and I'm also a DSG. I have been trying to get information on purchasing my Regalia, if you can help me please do so. God bless.

    Marion Smith Reynoso, DSG
