Sunday, May 13, 2007

Back from the Brink!

What a busy few days... Just got back from pilgrimage to Walsingham.

I am pleased to announce that I passed all my final exams and only have one more to do in June. So I am pretty much home dry. Many said I would not be able to do finals with a new baby, but with the Grace of God through the intercession of St Joseph, it was readily achieved.

I will post more about the weekend in due course, but for now couldn't resist posting this wonderful photo of Maddy with our Archbishop Vincent Nichols (and her Mum and Grandma) who led a wonderful diocesan pilgrimage on Saturday.


  1. Congratulations on passing your exams! Great photo!

  2. Congratulations on passing your exams, and I hope the final one will pose no problems €:-)

  3. Maddy no look like happy bunny in that photo. I take it the cause of her anxiety is that she did not hear the last gospel at mass?
