Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Motu Proprio Released!!!

Imagine my joy at seeing the Holy Father has finally released a Motu Proprio!

Here is a link to the Latin version on the Holy See's website.

But what does the English say? Well, since this a 'Traditionalist' agenda, I don't see why we should be concerned about the vernacular. Lets just celebrate anyway!!


June 15th 2007: Motu Proprio "imminent"


  1. Hi Matt, yes, this is a Motu Proprio but unfortunately *not* the one we are waiting for. This one is about the "repristination of the conclave's qualified majority". In future conclaves the pope will need to be elected by 2/3 majority, no matter how many rounds of voting it takes. (For more see rorate-caeli.blogspot.com).

    Good news as well I think but let's hope even better news will follow soon. :-)


  2. Wow, quick to spot my humour I see! ;-)

    Still, I'm in the mood for dancing!

  3. I prefer this way (which was the *traditional* way) more than the one given to the Church by the late Pope.

    I'm sure the Holy Father has seen what some Cardinals are willing to do and how close to each other they are willing to become when they do not want something. The problems "caused" by the *real* Motu Proprio on the Traditional Mass may have had something to do with this motu proprio.

    The French and German Bishops now have a lower chance of electing one of their own in a future Conclave.

  4. i'm gonna kill you Matt! i am absolutely petrified of those 'things' your cat is concerned with! All thoughts of the Motu Proprio have gone walkies!

    Glad to see you up & running!

    God bless
