Thanks to all my readers for allowing me to be a part of the 2007 Catholic Blog Awards; an honour I was not expecting! I received 10 votes in total, and I now have the prestigious result of:

Part of my victory speech would be to say "Thank God for all the Blogs which are better than mine, so that I have something decent to read in my spare time". After all, if mine were the best I would get bored reading about myself all day.
Indeed, there are so many top quality Catholic Blogs out there; the results page makes some interesting reading if only to discover them all! My browser highlights all the ones I've already visited; it is very few, that's for sure!
Maybe next year they will include the category "Best Catholic Blog by Married Medical Student" which would perhaps guarantee me an acolyte!
Indeed, there are so many top quality Catholic Blogs out there; the results page makes some interesting reading if only to discover them all! My browser highlights all the ones I've already visited; it is very few, that's for sure!
Maybe next year they will include the category "Best Catholic Blog by Married Medical Student" which would perhaps guarantee me an acolyte!
I've just realised that by next year I would not be elegible for "Best Catholic Blog by Married Medical Student" because I will then be a doctor. Competition will be too tough with the other Catholic Doctors out there. Even with the former, Antonia's World would beat me anyway! I will not get too disheartened by it all!