In the customary Oratorian way, we were treated to a full complement of servers, and beautiful golden vestments. While the Ministers prepared us for the sacred mysteries by reciting Psalm 42 and the Confiteor in a penitant way, the choir was in full swing, chanting the Introit:
Behold the Lord the ruler is come: and the Kingdom is in His hand, and power, and dominion. O God: and to the king's son Thy justice. The Kings of Tharsis and the islands shall offer gifts. The Kings of Araby and Saba shall bring presents. And all the kings of the earth shall adore Him; all peoples shall serve Him.
What is wonderful about this feast, as Fr. Paul Chavasse explained in his homily, is the way we resemble the wise men; bringing the gifts of our lives, and humbly bowing and kneeling in adoration, at His presence in the Blessed Sacrament. The Epiphany is the manifestation of Christ to the whole world, embracing the Gentiles in His plan of salvation as long as we imitate that humility displayed by the three kings. Our responsibility is great; to reveal to others in turn the joy we have received from the Gospel. Even if we do not feel influential, we can achieve this by living good lives and displaying the humility and reverence as the wise men did.
This first part of the Mass is so wonderful in the Old Rite, we see such petitions of penitence and humility. For instance, as the Celebrant ascends the Altar he says quietly in Latin: Take away from us our iniquities, we entreat Thee, O Lord, that with pure minds we may worthily enter into the Holy of Holies.
The Kyrie and Gloria were sung beautifully by the choir, from the Mass O quam gloriosum est Regnum by Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611). The choir's performance provides more of a backdrop than a focus in the Old Mass, during which the Ministers are busy with rituals like incensing the altar, saying quiet prayers, and ultimately offering the Canon which is the central prayer of the Mass.
For this special Mass the Ministers all wore birettas, which looked fabulous! During the Gloria, when they are seated at the Sedilia, it is noticeable that these birettas are removed every time the Choir sing the name "Jesus" as a mark of respect for this Holy Name!
Once the Kyrie ("Lord have mercy") and the Gloria ("Glory to God in the Highest") have been said, our penitence has been transformed to joy. The prayers of all the faithful present are then united in the Collect: proper to the day's Feast:
O God, who on this day didst reveal Thine only-begotten Son to the nations by the guiding of a star, grant, we beseech Thee, that we who now know Thee by Faith, may be led to contemplate the beauty of Thy shining.
Next the Subdeacon (Fr. Philip Cleevely) takes the Missal and chants the Epistle, standing away from the Altar itself but directing the prophecy towards it. I have heard it said that this minister represents the people of the Old Covenant, or more properly the Jewish people, who never accepted Jesus as Messiah. The Subdeacon is alone in his actions, and always stays behind the Celebrant, who like the Priest at every Mass, resembles Christ. I don't know how true this observation is, but like everything it is edifying and prayerful to see such rich symbolism in our worship, which I will continue to reflect on during this account.
Isaias 60. 1-6 "Thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon Thee... the Gentiles shall walk in thy light, and kings in the brightness of thy rising."
Next the Missal is transferred to the Deacon (Fr. Guy Nicholls), who represents the people of the New Covenant. He asks "Jube, domne, benedícere" (Sir, bid a blessing) and is blessed by the Celebrant with the words: "May the Lord be in thine heart and on thy lips that thou mayest worthily and fitly proclaim his Gospel".
Alleluia, Alleluia!
We have seen His star in the East, and are come with gifts to adore the Lord.
The Missal is illuminated by acolytes and incensed with the thurible. The orientation is different from when the Epistle is said; the Deacon faces away from the Altar, almost (and probably historically) towards the people. The celebrant looks on from the Altar itself, facing the Deacon's back, in such a way that it appears to be him (as Christ) inspiring the Deacon (as the Church) to proclaim the Gospel.
St. Matthew 2. 1-12
"Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East, and are come to adore Him"
"et procidéntes adoravérunt eum"
We all genuflect with him at this moment to mirror the Magi's act of adoration. This act is the height of humility: those who were Kings themselves, and not likely to have been convinced by prophecies or apologetics, but by God acting in them in a unique way, to bring them to the foot of the manger.
"By the words of the Gospel may our sins be blotted out"
Fr. Paul Chavasse then preached what was, as I have said, a wonderful sermon; which has given me inspiration to reflect on this magnificent feast here. It also provided a suitable moment for Wendy to have her hourly toilet break (Maddy is taking up a lot of room)!
The next part of the Mass is the principal sacrificial part and is based around the manifestation of Our Lord in the changing of bread and wine into His Body and Blood under the humble appearance of the former. This part is traditionally known as the 'Mass of the Faithful', since catechumens (or Christians-in-training) were dismissed at this point in very early Christianity, to maintain secrecy and security in times of persecution. Nowadays, the name has been changed to 'Liturgy of the Eucharist' which reflects the distinctive act of 'thanksgiving' which takes place here.
It was at this point when I was fascinated to see, for my first time, the Subdeacon receive a humoral veil which has an important liturgical function in the High Mass:
Here the Subdeacon on the right presents the water and wine cruets to the Celebrant, which will be offered to God and transformed into the Blood of Christ:
It was at this point when I was fascinated to see, for my first time, the Subdeacon receive a humoral veil which has an important liturgical function in the High Mass:
By the Mystery signified in the mingling of this water and wine, grant us to have part in the Godhead of Him Who hath deigned to become a partaker of our humanity, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord...
Next the Altar is incensed and the Subdeacon receives, concealed under his veil, the paten (which the transformed Sacred Host will be placed upon later). The symbolism of this revolves around the blindness of the Jewish people towards the Saviour, who is present in the New Covenant. It sounds dreadfully un-PC, but that's what I've been led to believe; and perhaps the reason why the modern Church has abolished the role of Subdeacon altogether! I think it creates a marvellous beauty and elegance to have these different roles being reflected in the Mass.
May this incense which Thou hast blessed, O Lord, ascend to Thee, and may Thy mercy descend on us. Welcome as incense-smoke let my prayer rise up before The, O Lord. When I lift up my hands, be it as acceptable as the evening sacrifice.
We bow down in humble adoration at this moment, making an act of faith such as "My Lord and my God" (the words of the Apostle Thomas on witnessing the resurrected Lord). This is our inheritence from the Magi; this is what we recall on this feast: Christ is born among us in the Church, we are called to pay our own homage and ask him into our lives.
"Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccáta mundi"
Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who taketh away the sins of the world
1.Great pics. Thanks. I'ts good to know that the old rite, and its order and beauty, are still available to the Church, even though to only a few people in a few districts.
ReplyDelete2.I'll be praying for Maddy.
3.As a medical student how do you cope with your training on abortion?
So glad you enjoyed your first (of many I hope) Traditional High Mass. Just think, up to 40 years ago this would have been normal for Sunday High Mass.
ReplyDeleteGreat pics Matt.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that God was so worthily glorified in that Mass. The majesty of the old Mass is for many an Epiphany or a manifestation of the glory of God and a window of the eternal worship in Heaven.
Thanks for giving us a glimpse. =)
Wonderful pictures and post!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a fantastic mass, but I can't help but think that taking pictures during the mass is not only extremely disruptive - and inconsiderate - for people around you but also detrimental to your ability to pay attention to anything other than the surface 'prettiness' of the mass.
ReplyDeleteMass is time give yourself to God unreservedly and be in awe of the re-presentation of the sacrifice of love Our Lord made for us on Calvary - and to prepare yourself to receive Him and take that with you out into the world - "Ite missa est". You can't do that if you're concerned with the composition of a photo. Also, I've known priests to be distracted from their saying of the mass b/c someone decided that a flash photo at the time of the elevation was somehow appropriate. To me, breaking their concentration at that moment borders on sacrilege, b/c they are performing something that is the essence of their vocation - turning wafer and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Part of the appeal of the Old Rite is the stillness, depth of communion and contemplation it allows. Snapping away during it destroys that for yourself and everyone else.
Having said that, I've always the the Birmingham O is one of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen and the few times I've had the pleasure of being there, the community have done a wonderful job with the liturgy.
God bless,
Irim: Just briefly, I agree with all your points. I don't enjoy taking pictures during Mass, and much prefer losing myself in uniting my prayer with the sacrifice of Christ. This said, I would put forward the following justification for covering this event so thoroughly:
ReplyDelete1) I did not once use flash photography. I was not a huge distraction, my camera was silent, and I was not occupied with composition because I did this post-production by cropping the photos.
2) I had advance permission from the celebrant and provost of the Oratory, who was keen also to have a good record of what was a very special occasion.
3) I benefits people considerably to have access to these sorts of pictures and to learn more about this particular Rite of Mass, which has practically been consigned to a museum in the beauracratic sense of the Church.
4) I took no pictures during Communion, which was solely a period for reflection by me and others.
God bless you and I hope you understand my rationale. It is not something I make a habit of!
Thank you, Matthew, for these wonderful pictures. Speaking as the Deacon at that Mass, I can reassure Irim that we on the Sanctuary were in no way disturbed by your taking of these photos. I, for one, was not even aware that you were taking them!
ReplyDeleteAlso, for the record, it is worth noting that the Subdeacon's carrying the paten in the humeral veil had a very interesting history which was entirely practical. In fact, very little in the Old Rite was what you might call purely "symbolic" in origin. So too in this case. The Subdeacon was originally holding a fraction of the consecrated host to be put into the Chalice at the Commingling just before Communion, either taken from a previous Mass, or (in Rome itself, of course) taken from the Papal Mass. In either case it was to emphasise the unity of the Mass. In the first case the emphasis was on the unity of the Mass thorughout time; all Masses being in fact ONE sacrifice; or in the latter case, emphasising the unity of the local Church around the Bishop, whose Mass is the source of the unity of all Masses in his Diocese. This, of course, explains the otherwise strange anomaly of the Subdeacon's use at this point of the humeral veil with what is by modern times an empty paten, when the purpose of the veil is generally to treat the Blessed Sacrament with greater care and reverence.
It was a wonderful mass, and as matts' wife sat next to him I can assure people that he was very subtle with the photograpy!
ReplyDeleteWe are very blessed at the Oratory to have so many wonderful priests. They are Holy men and very kind and friendly.
I'd like to add something that I often experience during the consecration but that was much more notable at the epiphany mass. At the point of consecreation, as I was kneeling, maddy (Babe in the womb), was extremely active. I definately feel that she has an awareness of the real presence of Our Lord, especially at that moment. Its something very special for me to experience!!
As long as you had permission, I have absolutely *no* issues with it. You can imagine what the summer tourist season is like during high mass at the Oxford O- sometimes, you'd think it was the red carpet going into the Oscars, so it's a bit of a nerve.
ReplyDeleteIf you said you had permission in the blog and I missed it, mea culpa!
Now that I know it was ok with them, I can say that the pics are *gorgeous*, and thanks for that.
Keep us posted on Maddy's imminent arrival. Hope all goes as smoothly as poss. Ixx
I always receive advance permission to take photos, and in most cases I will blank out people's faces if they have not given permission for publication on the internet (eg. in the 'Childhood and Reverence' post). I will not expressly state this every time because I think it is a simple case of good manners to always do so. I am no paparazzi!!
ReplyDeleteWell done for the photos! You're officially famous now:
I used to work at the Oratory (in the Newman Archive), and have many happy liturgical memories of the place. So glad to see that one parish was able to keep the feast in the proper way, on the proper day!
ReplyDeleteExcellent posting and photos, Matt. I know the Oratory well and wish I could have been there.
ReplyDeleteExcellent photographs, Matt and, being unable to be there, I am very grateful for them, so thank you! (I must also confess to having made picture 13 my desktop, is this sacrilegious? I do hope not..!).
ReplyDeleteFr. Guy: many thanks for the fascinating explanation, I always have wondered about that humeral veil!
Dear Matt,
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful pictures. My husband Andrew & i have been able to share something of the beauty of The Mass with visiting friends. It was our first experience of The Tridentine Mass & we are very grateful to The Oratory Fathers. We are so lucky to live in the Parish & to receive excellent formation.
We have a monthly Catholic Women's Book Club, (at our home ) & i think your wife wendy is planning to come, after the baby is born!
God bless,
Andrew & Jackie Parkes
Thank you for these beautiful photos. God bless you.