Friday, December 01, 2006

MTAS Job Application Nightmare!!

I have to submit my application for my first junior doctor job (beginning August 2007) by Tuesday. There are no CVs or interviews - Just a centralised national on-line application form. The toughest bit is completing a personal statement in the form of 'Key Statements', which are marked and graded by clinicians, and combined by an academic score to rank all medical students in such a way that the highest ranking ones get the jobs they want. Here are the questions I have to answer, each with a maximum of 150 words:

1. Give an example of a non-academic achievement explaining both the significance to you and the relevance to foundation training. (6 points)

2. List your academic achievements (4 points)

3. Describe an example (not necessarily clinical) of a time when you had to deal with pressure OR overcome a setback/challenge. What did you do and what was the outcome? (6 points)

4. Describe an example from your clinical experience where your behaviour enhanced the experience of the patient as the central focus of care. What did you do and what was the outcome? (6 points)

5. Describe an example from your own experience (either clinical or non clinical) that has increased your understanding of the importance of team working. What was your role and contribution to the team? (6 points)

6. Describe an example of a situation where you had to demonstrate your professionalism and/or integrity. What did you do and what was the outcome? (6 points)

7. Describe an example of how your organisation and planning skills have contributed to a significant personal achievement in the last five years. What did you learn from this which is relevant to foundation training? (6 points)


  1. oh man that sounds scary!

    My University's Medical Course is actually 6 years long, so I still have 1.5years till I qualify and another year till I need to fill in that dreaded form.

    Thanks for posting the questions though, I will start thinking about them now!

    GOD BLESS you & I hope you manage to fill it in okay.

    What jobs have you applied for?

    lotsa love


  2. Good luck mate.

    I know how you feel.
    After 3 years at my comfy job, my first, office hijinks are making me think of looking for another job. Soon.

    I'll pray for you that God may strengthen your hand and give you clarity of mind when you write your responses.

    God bless.
