Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Christmas!!

Best wishes and prayers to all Lacrimarum Valle readers this Christmastide!

It has been a busy Christmas as always, with lots of joyful festivities that remind us that it's a truly joyous Christian feast and season. We spent a few days in Nottingham leading up to Christmas with my mother, who made us this wonderful Christmas cake. She even made the marzipan herself! So a big congratulations to her (who has even started to read my Blog despite being somewhat computer illiterate)!

I think many people get distracted during Christmas by the trappings of secular consumerism. It is easy to get swept away with the shops and television, getting bogged down with the obligation to spend money or the endless tacky parody of what this feast is really about. But I'm not just referring to non-Christians: I find many faithful people become preoccupied with the standard way Christmas is celebrated, and are busy shunning the joyful festivities which go on each year. From my point of view, this attitude is counter productive. I embrace the joy and laughter of this great feast. It is the best time in the Christian calender to truly proclaim the great hope we have in Christ.

It is sometimes difficult to realise that the Christ-child is the centre of the festivities, perhaps indicative of His very humility. But for me this is not a reason in itself to reject all the Christmas customs, even though much of it could be called Pagan drunkenness and debauchery! Indeed, many people find any excuse to behave in an undesirable way, but I just love the wholesome and childish magic which accompanies this season. I love the stockings and presents, the tinsel and lights, the silly songs as well as the beautiful carols. As time goes on I am finding more ways to embrace the magic feeling of Christmas, whilst at the same time keeping the joy of Christ central. One of the best ways we can do this is by having a nativity crib in the centre of our devotional life this season.

Heavenly Father, may this crib remind us of the coming of Thy Son.
Grant that all who pray here may be inspired by the example of love and humility that Christ gave us.
To all who are troubled, grant peace of mind.
To all in doubt and uncertainty, grant guidance and inspiration.
To all who are oppressed by guilt or sin, grant pardon and absolution.
To all who suffer in mind and body, grant comfort and healing.
Above all grant to everyone who prays here in faith, the joy of spirit that the angels proclaimed at Christ's birth.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you too!
    Hope that you've had a blessed one.

    I pray that Wendy and Madeleine are doing fine too. =)
