XT3.com is like a Catholic Youth version of Facebook. I enjoyed this site a long time ago when it consisted mainly of a discussion group. Now it has been chosen as the official site of Sydney World Youth Day.
Imagine my surprise when I see this in my mail inbox:
Following the link, I get an electronic message from the Pope. This is very 'cool':
Also, here is a Youth translation I prepared of the Pope's message:
Dr Frnds,
50 dys ago we wr tgtha 4 th clbrtn of Mss.
2dy I grt u on th brthdy of Mry, Mtha of th Chrch.
Empwrd by th Sprt & couragus lke Mry, ur plgrmge of faith fills th Chrch wth lfe!
Soon Im gonna visit France.
I ask u all 2 join me in pryin 4 th yng ppl of Frnc.
May we all b rejuvntd in hope!
Imagine my surprise when I see this in my mail inbox:
Dear Friends,
Fifty days ago we were together for the celebration of Mass. Today I greet you on the birthday of Mary, Mother of the Church. Empowered by the Spirit and courageous like Mary, your pilgrimage of faith fills the Church with life! Soon I am to visit France. I ask you all to join me in praying for the young people of France. May we all be rejuvenated in hope!
Also, here is a Youth translation I prepared of the Pope's message:
Dr Frnds,
50 dys ago we wr tgtha 4 th clbrtn of Mss.
2dy I grt u on th brthdy of Mry, Mtha of th Chrch.
Empwrd by th Sprt & couragus lke Mry, ur plgrmge of faith fills th Chrch wth lfe!
Soon Im gonna visit France.
I ask u all 2 join me in pryin 4 th yng ppl of Frnc.
May we all b rejuvntd in hope!
Wow that's so cool! I WANT ONE!