I have not written previously about the so-called apparitions at Medjugorje. Based mainly on the facts contained in the book written by the late Michael Davies, I concluded a long time ago that the events surrounding a supposed apparition of Our Lady were not worthy of belief, attention or wasted money and effort. If nothing else, I would simply obey the line of the Church, and the local Bishops, that there was nothing suggesting supernatural events (despite several thousand claimed apparitions).
Now, just recently, it has come to light that the 'visionaries' key spiritual advisor, Fr Tomislav Vlasic, has been subject to severe disciplinary measures by the Franciscan Order. Not only that, but the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith have authorised these measures. Fr Vlasic claimed to have been chosen by divine providence for his advisory role in the apparitions, and now has proven himself to be less than up to the job. Sure, we are all sinners; but managing to father a child to a nun really takes some doing.
I'm afraid this is just yet another slur against the motley crew, who continue to have support all over the world, mainly with 'charismatic' type Catholics who often have questionable views about the nature of the Church as it is. Do yourself a favour, and stop detracting attention away from true Catholic spirituality, like the apparitions at Fatima for instance.
Now, just recently, it has come to light that the 'visionaries' key spiritual advisor, Fr Tomislav Vlasic, has been subject to severe disciplinary measures by the Franciscan Order. Not only that, but the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith have authorised these measures. Fr Vlasic claimed to have been chosen by divine providence for his advisory role in the apparitions, and now has proven himself to be less than up to the job. Sure, we are all sinners; but managing to father a child to a nun really takes some doing.
I'm afraid this is just yet another slur against the motley crew, who continue to have support all over the world, mainly with 'charismatic' type Catholics who often have questionable views about the nature of the Church as it is. Do yourself a favour, and stop detracting attention away from true Catholic spirituality, like the apparitions at Fatima for instance.
Well said Dinky Doyle. The problem, however, about Medg is that it secures true conversion of life and it is hard to explain that. I don't care for the place but I cannot help being impressed by the results.
ReplyDeleteChrist converts souls - not a small town in Bosnia. Wherever the Sacraments are, there is the Church, and there is salvation. My own personal conversion happened in Birmingham but I won't ascribe any particular holiness to that locale, as nice as it is. "The Fruits" is an interesting argument commonly cited, but one which scripturally should be applied towards the prophet or teacher themselves. In addition, the fact that bad fruits are constantly emerging from the Medj enterprise should not be ignored.
ReplyDeleteIn relation to the "fruits argument" one also must not forget that correlation does not imply causation. Those conversions do not necessarily happen because of the alleged apparition but because of what takes place at the site (Masses, expositions of the Blessed Sacrament, talks, ability to meet people who trust in God etc.) Simply put, there is a lot of things that our loving God may use to draw people to Himself.
ReplyDeleteIn addition one must also remember that the Evangelicals are also pretty successfully in drawing non-Christians towards Christ. This does not mean that they are right and that many of their believes are not objectively evil.
as a priest,i am someone who has found great riches both in the tradition-al spirituality of the Church and the charismatic movemtn in the Holy Catholic Church just find your comment about "charismatc types" questionable...prayers for you and for i
ReplyDeleteFr JPJ
ReplyDeletei agree; i find everything about the Medj 'apparitions' so distorted and uncomfortable; the messages are so banal and repetitive with no real substances, the lives of the 'visionaries' haven't been transformed like those in other authentic apparitions, the countless unending disobedience to the Church...etc I don't believe at all that they are authentic; and as u say, their local Bishops have been saying this for about 20 years now.
Of course the Vatican’s commission has investigated the activities of Vlasic in Med. He was the first spiritual leader. The CDF accuses him of MANIPULATION OF THE CONSCIENCES. He was spiritual leader of the ‘seers’. Isn’t that clear enough?
ReplyDeleteThe Vatican has confirmed the jurisdiction of Bishop Peric of Mostar by asking him to publish the Roman decree against Vlasic
Vlasic has his headquarter in Med.
He writes frequently in the “Echo of Med.”
He made a nun pregnant already in 1976. The child Toni was born in Germany on Jan. 15 1977. His mother was Sr Rufina, now again Manda Kozul. I possess the original copies of the many loveletters between Vlasic and this nun in that time . He manipulated her in a diabolical way.
In a letter to the pope he called his bishop ‘satan’!
‘Seer’ Marija Pavlovic made a public statement against manipulator Vlasic
Because of disobedience to bishop Zanic he was removed from Med.(where he arrived after Zovko was put in jail by the communists) to Vitina, which parish he left for living together with Agnes Heupel, who now says ‘Our Lady of Med. is not true’
After he was accused of holding satanic séances by a sister of his own community ‘Queen of Peace’ in Chieti-Italy he was degradated from superior to a mere member by a canonical process of a church commission in Italy.
It is Vlasic who invited the charismatic leaders of the whole world to Med. and who started the now thousands of prayergroups…
In the very beginning he wrote an Italian booklet together with Fr Slavko Barbaric PRO Med.
He has told me on taperecorder in Italian how he received ‘messages’ in May 1981 from Fr Tardif and Sr Briege Mc Kenna in Rome during an international charismatic meeting one month before the start of the fraud in Med. in June 1981.
Before 1981 he held in his parish in Capljina strange ‘charismatic’ trainingssessions with youngsters(also the ‘seers???’)
He perjured 2x before his bishop
Because Marija Pavlovic saw him sleeping together with Agnes Heupel in Italy, she left disappointed his community and married Paulo Lunetti.
Vlasic was particularly close to the 2 ofm-rebels, Ivica Vego and Ivan Prusina, who were disciplined by the church on Jan. 29 1982, and defended by the ‘Gospa’!!!
As you see, I have a big file about Vlasic and his involvement is such that he was like the ‘Rasputin of Med.’ I have many documents to prove what I’m saying.
Always available for more info
Pax et Bonum
mark waterinckx
thanks mark for your comment. Would really appreciate your advice on how to convince Catholics that medg is a big lie! It's so hard to get through.