Friday, August 29, 2008

Catholic Physicians

I am happy to now be a member of the "Catholic Physicians Blog"! Along with Catholic Dads, it seems that now every facet of my life is covered by a blog. How about "Catholic Star-Wars Fans"? Perhaps it will fall on me to start that one up...

My first post on Catholic Physicians Blog is about Psychiatry, a profession which I may very well specialise in. It is a sensitive topic, and I hope I have handled it well and with compassion. Please head on over there and let me know what you think.

I have previously written on being a Catholic Physician here and here... amongst others...


  1. Very well written and insightful. as ever !

  2. If you ever start a Catholic Star Wars blog, be sure to let Mark of Serviam know. Otherwise he might get angry and I'm sure you know what anger finally leads to =)
