Once again this year, for the third time, Fr George Grynowski invited the Latin Mass Society to his Parish of St John Fisher in West Heath, South Birmingham. The Feast of Ss John Fisher & Thomas More fell on a Saturday this year, which would have otherwise meant a larger turnout. However, today coincided with the Franciscans of the Immaculate second visit to the Birmingham Oratory for their Day with Mary (As well as enjoying a packed congregation, they also benefit from the FI specialty of Sung Mass in the Usus Antiquor).
The Neri Singers sang sang Missa O Quam Gloriosum by Victoria for the mass ordinary, Credo III De Angelis, Exultate Justi by Viadana at the offertory, O Quam Gloriosum by Victoria at communion, and settings of the Gradual and Alleluia to faux bourdons by Ignaz Mitterer. The Organist Mr Oliver Hayes, played the Hymn Rex Gloriose for the chorale prelude before the Introit, and the Bach Little Fugue in G Minor as the voluntary, as well as improvisations on the chant and the polyphony.
Fr George, the Parish Priest, was for the second time Celebrant; with Frs Christopher Miller & Jan Nowotnik as Deacon & Subdeacon respectively. All these three Priests reside in the South Birmingham Deanery, which is fortuitous for Fr George.
In total only about 40-50 people were in attendence, but we know we were also accompanied by the Choir of Heavenly Angels, almost tangible with Victoria's rendition of the Sanctus.
An incense filled Byzantine-style church was as ever grateful for such a beautiful expression of Latin Catholic Worship, beginning with the quiet prayers at the foot of the altar, Judica Me (Ps 42), so the silent and reverent flectamus genua of the Last Gospel according to St John (1:14)... It is a liturgy resplendent in its noble simplicity and reverent decorum. Thanks be to God!
For more Photos see my Flickr Set
The next Sung Mass will be for St Pius X to honour the Modern Feast Day of Pope St Gregory the Great on Saturday 3rd September 2011 at 11am in St Michael's West Bromwich, followed by sung Benediction and refreshments.
There will be NO 7 pm Mass next Friday 15th July 2011 at West Heath; A Low Mass will instead be offered at 6 pm next WEDNESDAY 13th July 2011.
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