Another wonderful
St Catherine's Trust Family Retreat! This time at the earlier liturgical point of the commencement of Passiontide (previously it has often been during Eastertide).

Despite the sombre tone to the liturgy, which culminated in the statues, crucifixes and images being veiled on Sunday; we were basked in glorious sunshine for the whole duration. This was particularly splendid for the Marian Procession on Saturday afternoon around the grounds of the school, which the children had made beautiful little banners for. Despite the retreat taking place during Lent this year, the children were not deprived of their Easter egg hunt!
It has always been an important weekend for us to unwind and address our spiritual concerns, pulling our lives firmly into focus. The abundance of small children there help with this; injecting real joy and laughter into our time there. It is quite easy to stand back and realise one is looking at the future of the Catholic Church in these Isles.
Deo Gratias!
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St Catherine's Trust
LMS Chairman's Blog
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