In her story, Wendy describes how her decision to persevere with breastfeeding through the difficulties and return to exclusive breastfeeding has been a great and rewarding triumph.
Madeleine was born on the 25th January 2007, after being induced due to pre-eclampsia. Further complications meant surgery when my placenta didn’t deliver, so I wasn’t able to establish breastfeeding within the first hour after birth (as is recommended). Breastfeeding was very sore to begin with, and not quite the natural and instinctive process I had imagined. Before long my nipples became cracked and sore. The milk supply was also a problem due to factors such as being induced, and anaemia. I also suffered from a rare complication of spinal anaesthesia: a mind-numbing headache, which made sitting up to feed Maddy nigh on impossible! The final straw was when Maddy was crying continuously off the breast, was losing too much weight (more than 10%) and leaving me feeling disillusioned and stressed with breastfeeding. We decided we were going to have to use formula, which involved a shopping trip at 2am (don’t ask!)
Fortunately, the health visitor informed us the next morning that we could use formula as a top-up to breastfeeding, as Maddy required it, but to persevere with the breast. We realised that supplementing Maddy with formula milk in a beaker or bottle as a temporary measure did not have to mean excluding breastfeeding. Over the following weeks I began attending a breastfeeding support group in Kings Heath, run by very nice health workers. They showed me the correct techniques to use, and advised me about expressing breast-milk when it was too painful to feed, and the use of nipple cream containing Lanolin.
On difficult days Maddy would have three top ups throughout the day (of 90mls each), but gradually we reduced it down to just one in the evening (when Maddy had been breastfeeding for several hours, and was still hungry)! After roughly a month of mixed feeding, I decided to try hard to stop using the formula altogether. After four days without it, she had put on more weight that week than ever before (10oz) which thrilled us to bits!

Breastfeeding is now such a joy for us. During the night when Maddy stirs in her bed-side cot, I can pull her towards me and hold her tenderly, as she latches onto me all by herself, obtaining a perfect security and attachment from this instinctive act. It makes bleeding and cracked nipples seem like a distant memory! In conclusion, I cannot say how pleased I am, with the decision to persevere in the midst of the hardest and most painful moments of breastfeeding. If I had given up at these times I would be left with a bitter impression of what has now become an awesome mothering experience.
Published in LLLGB News - January/February 2008 (No. 163)
© La Leche League Great Britain
*Using the word "breastfeeding" in our organisation's name was not acceptable half a century ago in the US and this led in 1956 to the Founders choosing 'la leche' (the milk) from an inscription on a shrine dedicated to the Mother of Christ. None the less, LLL chose to be a non sectarian organisation from the start. The name's lofty origin reflected the importance the Founding Mothers attached to the work they were undertaking.
brilliant, well done to you. My good frioend who is a breastfeeding consultant would also be thrilled. She's more thanlikely read the article.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful story: thank-you for sharing it. Well done to all of you (it takes three to breastfeed: mum, baby and supportive dad).
ReplyDeleteYou might enjoy "Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood: God's Plan for You and Your Baby" by Sheila Kippley published by Sophia Institute Press (ISBN 1933184043) -- it's an inspiring read.
What a lovely family you have -- may God Bless you all!